28 February 2009

I am still here...

Well, I may not be constistent with this whole blog thing but at least I show up once in a while.  
Ben is out with Friends of Trees, planting in the Concordia neighborhood this weekend.  Henry and Ava are playing together beautifully at the dollhouse: a rare and blessed sight.
I am missing my beautiful and pregnant friend Amy.  I am also worried about my sister.  Probably not the most exciting post, but thats where I am today.  
I am also still very sad that Baxter is gone.  She has been with me since I was 19!  I never was a cat person...disliked them really.  Baxter and I got along so well though, both being independent and a little cranky.  Funny and sad though, is the reaction of others who dislike Baxter.  Maybe not so much disliked but they feared her "pet-cemetary" side.  Like I said, she could be a little cranky.  More than once, adults were trapped in a particular part of our house out of fear of passing by Baxter.