28 February 2009

I am still here...

Well, I may not be constistent with this whole blog thing but at least I show up once in a while.  
Ben is out with Friends of Trees, planting in the Concordia neighborhood this weekend.  Henry and Ava are playing together beautifully at the dollhouse: a rare and blessed sight.
I am missing my beautiful and pregnant friend Amy.  I am also worried about my sister.  Probably not the most exciting post, but thats where I am today.  
I am also still very sad that Baxter is gone.  She has been with me since I was 19!  I never was a cat person...disliked them really.  Baxter and I got along so well though, both being independent and a little cranky.  Funny and sad though, is the reaction of others who dislike Baxter.  Maybe not so much disliked but they feared her "pet-cemetary" side.  Like I said, she could be a little cranky.  More than once, adults were trapped in a particular part of our house out of fear of passing by Baxter.  

1 comment:

Amy said...

I miss you too, Wendle! It's sad being so far away when I've been waiting for SO long to have babies around my friends. We love it here, so I'm not wanting to change it....I just wish we could have it both ways. :) Thanks for the link to your blog and I'm sorry about Baxter. I remember when you got her. So long ago!